British Holidays and
It may seem surprising but the British have
fewer holidays than many other countries. Some of them are named Bank Holidays
due to the fact that on those days the banks are closed.
In England and Wales they comprise at present
five bank holidays (New Year’s Day, Easter Monday, spring and late summer
holidays at the end of May and August respectively, and Boxing Day1; they also
have two common holidays (Good Friday2, Christmas Day). In
New Year’s Day
January, 1
It is a bank holiday though many Britons do not
celebrate on New Year’s Eve. In
Valentine's Day (February 14)
How did Valentine's Day start?
Some people think it started in
Another belief is that there were
two St. Valentines from
The other saint married couples
against the wishes of the Roman ruler.
It is celebrated on
February 14. Those who are in love exchange valentines — presents or cards with
some sweet words written on them.
Here's a possible message for your valentine:
, / think you are very sweet, wonderful and nice. I like
you morning, noon and night, and around the clock. I hope you will keep
this card next to your heart. I hope to see you around Feb. 14. Maybe you will kiss
me. You are a super person. Please be
my valentine. From your secret valentine.
The Love Letter
Once there was a boy who loved a
girl very much. The girl's farter, however, did not like the boy and did not
want their love to grow. The boy
wanted to write the girl a love letter on Valentine's Day, but he was sure that
the girl's father would read it first. At last he wrote this let to the girl.
The great love I said I have for you
is gone, and I find my dislike for you
increases every day. When I see you,
I do not even like the way you look;
the one thing I want to do is to
look the other way. I never wanted to
marry you. Our last conversation
was very dull and in no way has
made me anxious to see you again.
You think only of yourself.
If we were married, I know that I
would find
Life very difficult,
and I would have no
pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
to give, but it is not a heart
I want to give to you. No one is
demanding or selfish than you, and less
able to care for me and be of help to
I sincerely want you to understand
I speak the truth. You will do me a
if you consider this the end. Do not
to answer this.
Your letters are full of things that do not interest me.
Believe me,
I do not care for you. Please do not
I am still your loving friend.
The girl's father read the letter.
He was pleased, and then gave the letter to his daughter,
The girl read the letter and was very happy. The boy still loved her!
Can you guess why she
was pleased? She and the boy had a secret way of writing to each other. She
read only the first line of the
letter, and then the third
line, and then the fifth line, and so on to the end of the
So, what did the original letter
April, 3
The word Easter owes its name and many of its
customs to a pageant festival hold eostre which is
the name of Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring time. Every spring European peoples
celebrated the festival to honour the awakening of
new life in nature. Christians related the rising of the sun to the
resurrection of Jesus and their old spiritual rebirth. This "holy"
day is celebrated in many countries of the world.
Spring and Summer Bank
The Summer Bank Holidays is the most popular
holiday, because it comes at a time when children are not at school. Many
families try to go away to the seaside or the country as they may indeed have
done at Easter or in Spring.
Guy Fawkes Night
November, 5
Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night is an annual
celebration held on the evening of 5 November to mark the failure of the
Gunpowder Plot of 5 November
October, 31
Halloween is also called All Saints’ Eve. It
has ancient roots in the polytheistic Celtic harvest festival of Samhain (pronounced /sɑːwɪn/)
and the Christian holy day of All Saints, but is today largely a secular
Halloween activities include trick-or-treating , wearing costumes and attending costume parties,
carving jack-o'-lanterns, ghost tours, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting
haunted attractions, pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
Remembrance Day
November, 11
Remembrance Day (also known as Armistice Day)
is observed throughout the Commonwealth and dates back to November 11, 1918
when all fighting in the First World War ended. it now
commemorates British soldiers, sailors and airmen who gave their lives in the
two world wars. Special Services are held and wreaths are laid at the Cenotaph,
a war manorial at
December, 25
In England Christmas is the most important of
all the bank holidays of the year. it is celebrated
much the same way as in the
Trooping the Colour
This ceremony is held on the Sovereign’s
official birthday in June. This is the most colourful
of all
The State Opening of
This is another royal event at the end of
November which draws thousands of spectators, who see the Queen on the drive
Boxing Day (День подарков) – праздник этот - продолжение англо-саксонской традиции дарить традиционные подарки бедным людям и рабам. В средние века в этот день священники обычно открывали ящики для пожертвований и раздавали их содержимое бедным людям прихода. Впоследствии отсюда развился обычай раздачи рождественских денежных подарков ("boxes") прислуге и государственным служащим. обслуживающий персонал и пр. Празднуется обычно 26 декабря, после Рождества, в день св. Стефана.
Good Friday - Великая пятница (также Страстная пятница, лат. Dies Passionis Domini) — пятница Страстной недели, которая посвящена воспоминанию крестной смерти Иисуса Христа, снятию с креста Его тела и погребения.
Hogmanay (произносится [hɔɡməneː], с ударением на последнем слоге) – так в Шотландии называют последний день года Считают, что это слово происходит от гэльского «oge maidne», что означает «новое утро». Также есть мнение, что название праздника - англо-саксонского происхождения и изначально писалось как «Haleg Moneth» - «святой месяц». «Хогманай» - очень древний праздник, который отмечали еще язычники, поклонявшиеся огню и солнцу. Также он связан и с праздником солнцеворота, который существовал у викингов.
Auld Lang Syne (шотландское произношение: [΄ɔːld lɑŋ΄səin]: скорее "s" чем "z") - буквальный перевод на английский язык названия этой песни: "old long since", или "long long ago", или ещё более идиоматично: "days gone by". Вообще "Auld Lang Syne" - Это шотландская поэма, написанная Робертом Бёрнсом в 1788 году и переложенная на мелодию народной шотландской песни .
Words / Слова к теме
pageantry — 1. пышное зрелище, великолепие, блеск 2. шик 3. помпа
pageant — 1. пышное зрелище 2. пышная процессия 3. карнавальное шествие 4. маскарад
celebrate — 1. праздновать 2. прославлять
eve — 1. канун 2. (уст.) вечер
joyous — 1. довольный 2. радостный, счастливый
awakening — пробуждение
spiritual — 1. духовный 2. одухотворенный, возвышенный 3. святой, божественный 4. религиозный, церковный 5. (амер.) спиричуэл, негритянский религиозный гимн
resurrection of Jesus — воскрешение Иисуса
annual — ежегодный
to hold (held, held) celebration — проводить празднование, праздновать
failure — провал, неудача
conspirator — заговорщик
deliverance — 1. освобождение, избавление 2. официальное заявление 3. (юр.) вердикт
firework — фейерверк
bonfire — костер
Commonwealth — содружество
commemorate — 1. отмечать 2. праздновать 3. чтить память 4. служить напоминанием
wreath — венок, гирлянда
remembrance — 1. воспоминание2. память 3. сувенир, подарок на память
ancient roots — древние корни
harvest — урожай
holy — святой
trick-or-treating — фраза, которую говорят американские дети на Хэллоуин, обходя окрестные дома с требованием конфет — «Откупись, а то заколдую!», или «Конфеты или жизнь!»
carve — высекать, вырезать
jack-o'-lantern — 1. блуждающий огонек 2. фонарь из тыквы
ghost — привидение
haunted attractions — аттракционы с привидениями
haunt — часто посещать, преследовать (о привидениях)
prank — 1. выходка, проказа, проделка, шалость 2. шутка
scary — 1. (разг.) жуткий 2. пугливый
stronghold — оплот
observances — 1. (of) соблюдение 2. обряд, ритуал 3. (уст.) почтение
splendour — 1. блеск 2. великолепие, пышность 3. величие, слава
draw (drew, drawn) thousands of spectators — привлекать тысячи зрителей